Wednesday 26 January 2011


After 5 and a half years you're bound to run out of topics.
Worse yet it's annoying just hearing his voice.

Monday 24 January 2011

Relationship Rut

HIMYM 5X7 omg I so see myself in it
  1. Annoyed by everything HT says
  2. Letting myself go fat and unpolished
  3. Stuck at the hips where ever he goes
  4. General distrusts of what ever he does
  5. Lack of privacy and personal time
  6. Falling into a boring routine
  7. Sex has become more of a bother
The episode ends with them breaking up but that's unlikely in my situation. I decided that I need to clean up my act and be a better girlfriend to HT while being more kind to myself.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Starbucks is EVIL

I've been to Starbucks 4times this month even though I promised myself to cut down on Coffee and Sugar. No hard feelings Starbucks, I love you but my weight disagrees.

Joke of the week! Manglish version.
Why Toyota cars can't break?
Cause their slogan is "Moving You Forward."

Monday 17 January 2011

Reality Check

You know someone is having a major reality check when they clean up their FB friend list.
Am Just Saying Ya Know?


I feel so insomniac~  Either I have trouble falling asleep or I wake up to my heart racing. Have you ever woken up with your heart racing? You know you've had a bad dream but just cant remember what it was about.

Thursday 13 January 2011


Oh yay, only one more year till the end of the world. (sarcastic)
am so not making a new years resolution list cause they're meant to be broken anyways.

In 2010 I've kicked of a few bad habits and am so desperately trying to start on a clean slate this year so wish me luck. I hope to see myself posting more blog entries this year :D