Thursday 15 September 2011

Nat's unhumorous jokes...

Yesterday evening it was pouring cats and dogs and for reasons beyond my female logic the BF wanted to try a new burger place for dinner. Not just any burger it's supposed to be he best burger in our neighbourhood. Problem is we don't know it's exact location.

While driving around I started narrating:

"one dark rainny evenning. Two couples went in search for the best burger in town. AND THEN..."

I trailed off smillng and truned to look at him for An answ

"Yeah right!" came his reply with an annoyed face.

Boring much? What to do? Typical Asian man.. So that was that and we didn't manage to eat THE BEST BURGER IN TOWN. There was a burger kiosk but we could tell for sure it was the right stall. Had something else for dinner; yummy Satay!

Today was a whole nother level on it's own. BF was complaining about his online game. It was something along the lines of
"Stupid windows 7, can't support my game. It's too slow"
"owh get windows8 la!" grinning and waiting for his response to my annoying answ.
I could only hear crickets (really live crickets that live in the vegetation around our hs)
My joke was so untastefull and idiotic to him that he only managed to heave a sigh.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Time to get this page up and running again like it should be!! Now that I know what is close to my heart and really matters, you can look forward to more posts.

To borrow a qoute from Maria Robinson 
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Today I pledge to:

1) Lead a better lifestyle for myself and the love of my life by;
2) Reaching financial independence (Save more)
3) Eat a healthier meals
4) Exercise (Goal for Sept, 3 times a week, 10 mins a session every morning)
5) Improve personal image
6) Reduce clutter in my life
7) To be punctual
8) Cook more at home!!
**Added no.8 cause I couldn't stand it hanging at no.7, LOL**

These will be part of my on going goals untill I achieve and exceed them :D Good Luck to me!

Friday 18 February 2011

Postcards and Stamps Collecting

Ha ha, believe it or not I had a collectors badge from Scout's Club back when I was in Secondary school. I showed the Scout Master my single mingy and sparse Stamp Book to officially get my collectors badge and he asked me if it was my parents or grandparents. The Bugger, Seriously?! I told him if it was theirs' it would be a bigger collection. I also started collecting free postcards some time after that and recently... I found not only POSTCROSSING but this huge stack of stamps laying around the BF's house!!!

I am damn happy!! Owh and I "stole" a whole bunch of FREE over sized postcards from Parkson- Pavillion last Sunday. Then being the klutz that I am, I dropped everything all over the place and got "caught" being not only a shameless free loader but also a hoarder LOL. I bought some Malaysian postcards but they're so unattractive! The Parkson postcards were more gorgeous. I've already posted some of them out!

Being paranoid that my postcard wont get sent cause they're so huge, I decided to play safe and double check at the post-office again. I stuck a 50cent stamp on it to save time and waited for my turn. When it came my turn I've only managed to show my postcard to her without uttering a sound.

The lady behind the teller at the post-office replied in Malay "30cent for postcards". She did a double-take, where at this point I thought she noticed how big it was but she added in Malay again "Local or international?". I some how managed to squeak "International" and without even double checking she just said "50cents." and waved me to move along.

I was like "This big?" while pointing at my postcard and she gave me this look that said "yeah clearly you know it's 50cents, cause there's a stamp in exact amount stuck on it - what else can I do for you - please get out of my face soon.". There's more to that story but am not going to bore you with details of what happed after.
